The four main reasons to learn English:

  1. School: I can help you learn the necessary vocabulary words to get into the school of your choice.  Most classes in the United States are taught in American English. In order to do well in school, you will need to know American English.
  1. Job: Job applications are usually in English, whether in person or online. There is usually also a face-to-face interview. I can help you ace both the application and interview to obtain a job.
  1. Immigration: Citizenship tests are in English. You will also need to fill out applications for student visas, work visas, etc. in English. I can help with all of this.
  1. Social Skills: Americans can be critical if you live in the United States but cannot speak English. I will teach you to speak American slang, not taught in schools, conversational English, business English, and how to order from a restaurant menu so you can feel confident when dining out.

It is difficult to say how many lessons you will need to take to accomplish these goals. Your motivation to learn,  completion of homework assignments, and your focus on correct grammar and pronunciation will all be important factors in learning English. You need to practice the grammar principles and conversational skills we learn in our lessons by speaking English outside of our class on a daily basis.  You will learn English faster if you pay attention in class and do the assigned homework. You will also learn faster if you take two lessons per week.

Cell phones must be turned off in class unless you ask for permission. Students are advised not to use phones or other computerized translators because they often provide incorrect grammar and pronunciation and can confuse you.  Students are required to pay in advance through PayPal before we can start lessons.

After your first payment, you will receive a Grammar Placement Test,  sent to your email.  Once I receive and review your test, I will schedule a Zoom meeting where we will talk about your goals and reasons for learning English. We will discuss the results of your test and I will make an assessment of your proficiency in English.  Each lesson is approximately one hour. We will discuss your class schedule at the first Zoom meeting.

My business hours are Monday, 1 to 4 P.M., Friday 1 to 4 P.M., Saturday 9 to 6 P.M., Sunday 1 to 4 P.M. However, if these hours don’t suit your schedule, we can negotiate something else.

English is not an easy language to learn. It requires a commitment to hard work and diligence on your part to complete your goals. My lessons are fun and interesting with lots of student interaction.  I will be with you every step of the way to help you accomplish your dream of learning English.